First radio show on 2021. This week playlist.
One world No escape #52 :
1-Heridas de K (Spain) : Nuestros cuchillos seran mucho mas crueles
2-Pádme (Mexico) : Delta del Ebro
3-Shakers (Germany) : Telemark
4-GIVER (Germany) : Sculpture of violence
5-Nulajednanulanula (Czechia) : Nedovol, aby tě strach ze hry vyřadil z prohry
6-IoBestia (Italy): Notte nera
7- The end of everything (USA) : The company I keep
8- Out for justice (USA) : Our Path
9- Mourning (UK): Knowledge is sorrow
10-The Geeks (South Korea) : Defining moments
11- Chain Reaction (Belgium) : Bleak Reality
12- Option Paralysis (Indonesia) : Ampersand
13-An Empty City (China) : Monoliths
14- Weathered (Japan) : Dissolve