Gus ENGLEHORN (Secret City Records, 29/04/22) Dungeon master - Run Rabbit run

ANGRY SILENCE (Coolax & autres labels, 2022) - Strange times call for strange measures - Pissing rain
GHOST WOMAN (Full Time Hobby)- S/T - Behind Your Eyes

MELLANO SOYOC (IDO Productions, 20/05/22) - Alive - Save you
VIAGRA BOYS (Year0001) - Cave World - Ain't No Thief

LES PLAYBOYS (Dangerhouse Skylab) - Abracadabrantesque Plus - Je Revendique
PLOSIVS (Swami Rcds) - S/T - Broken Eyes

Gus ENGLEHORN (Secret City Records, 29/04/22) Dungeon master - Oh Well UnWell
Gus ENGLEHORN (Secret City Records, 29/04/22) Dungeon master - Tarantula

SWELL (pSych pSycho-sPecific Records, 1992- ... well ? - Suicide machine
ARNO (Virgin, 1988) - Charlatan - Tango de la peau

LEWSBERG (Lewsberg Records) In Your Hands - The Corner
Chris BROKAW (12XU, 2021) - Puritan - I can't sleep

Gus ENGLEHORN (Secret City Records, 29/04/22) Dungeon master - Ups and Downs