Rock à la casbah votre podcast rock et sonorités underground et tordues.
Clavicule (beast Rec) - Garage is Dead - Wake Up
Mujeres (Sonido Muchacho)- Siento Muerte - Cae La Noche
Dream Wife (Lucky Number) - So When You Gonna - Sports !
Augenwasser (Bongo Joe) - Sleepdancer - Paid The Rent Going Out
Muzz (Matador) - S/T - Patchouli
L7 (Sub Pop Rcds) - Smell The Magic - Shove
Idles (Partisan Rcds) - Ultra Mono - War
Clavicule (beast Rec) - Garage is Dead - Special Trip
Clavicule (beast Rec) - Garage is Dead - Today
Inflated Dead Horse (We Are Unique) - Love Songs - A Spoonful Is Enough
Bill Callahan (Drag city) - Gold Records - Breakfast
Leger Retard (Pirogue Records) - EP -
Seth Bogart (Wacky Wacko)- Men On The Verge Of Nothing
Clavicule (beast Rec) - Garage is Dead - Jericho