Rock à la casbah votre podcast rock et sonorités underground et tordues.
Opinion (Collectif Flippin’ Freak) Molly - My face
John Reis & the blindshake - 7’ - I hate my neighbors in the yellow house
Super X (Polak Records / Spoilsport Records) - S/T - One Cut
Cabbage (Autoprod) - Amanita Pantherina - Leon the big farmer
Sinnead O’Brien (Chess Club records) Drowning In Blessings - Most modern painting
Scumbag Millionaire (Suburban) - Poor and Infamous - Inferno
Huey Smith (Honey Pie Rcds) - Having a Good Time - Don't You Just Know It
Opinion (Flippin’ Freak) Molly - In white suit
Opinion (Flippin’ Freak) Molly - Pastel
Lambchop (City Slang) Trip - Reservations
Matt Berninger (Caroline records) Serpentine prison - Loved so little
Delacave (AutoProd) - Us or dust
Solaris Great Confusion (Media Pop) Untried Ways - I wish I was Blind
Opinion (Flippin’ Freak) Molly - Dream about you