Rock à la casbah votre podcast rock et sonorités underground et tordues.
Adrianne Lenker (4AD) Songs/instrumentals - two reverse
IT IT ANITA (Vicious Circle) Sauvé - Cucaracha
Daughters (Three One G) Compile Really Bad Music For Really Bad People The Cramps as Heard - What’s Inside a Girl
Solaris Great Confusion (Media Pop records) Untried Ways - I wish I was bllind
PENNY SHEARS (Cheptel records) Flower in the shade - Tracy Ruth
Psychotic Youth (Redwest Productions) - Never Is Forever - I'm Still Waiting
Dikies - (Survival Research) - The Incredible Shrinking Dickies - Paranoid
Adrianne Lenker (4AD) Songs/instrumentals - Zombie Girl
Adrianne Lenker (4AD) Songs/instrumentals - Come
Shame (Dead Oceans) Drunk Tank Pink - Water-in-the-Well
King Gizzard & The Lizzard Wizzard (KGLW) K.G. - Automation
Maine in Havana (AutoProd) ST - We night birds
Louis Jucker (hummus records) Something Went Wrong - The Heat - Hello Weirdo
Adrianne Lenker (4AD) Songs/instrumentals - My angel.