DION LUNADON (In The Red Records) - Beyond Everything - It's The Truth
BAD DECISION (Voodoo Rythm records) - Subnormal - Aire negro
The C.I.A (In the red records) - Surgery Channel - Impersonator
FOMIES (Hummus Records / Irascible Records ) - Sudden lag - Sudden Lag (21 octobre 2022)
EMILIE ZOE (Hummus Records) - Hello future Me - The Companion EP - Dinosaurs  (sortie le 11 novembre)
LES RENCARDS (Groovie Records) - S/T - Homme fatal
THE  KRYNG (Soundflat Records) - Twelve Hymns To Syng Along - Cause I See
DION LUNADON (In The Red Records) - Beyond Everything - Screw Diver
DION LUNADON (In The Red Records) - Beyond Everything - Living And Dying With You
Nick WHEELDON'S DEMON HOSTS (Le Pop Club Records / Mauvaise Foi Records, 04/11/22) - Gift - Tip toe by danger (cf. article Webzine 18/10 + annonce de l'exclu clip du 28/10)
FRANKIE COSMOS (Sub Pop, 21/10/22) - Inner world peace - Magnetic personality (1'40) OU Wayne (1'58)
Billy Nomates(Invada records)CACTI-Balance is gone
DION LUNADON (In The Red Records) - Beyond Everything - Nothing But My Skull