PARQUET COURTS (Rough Trade) - Symphatie for Life - Walking At A Downtown Pace

BODEGA  (WhatsYourRupture) Broken Equipment - Doers
PLATENBAU (DedStrange) Shape / Shifting_Holywood / Love LLC

POWER SUPPLY (AntiFade Records/Goner Records) - in the time of the sabre-toothed tiger - Conservative instinct
SERPENT (Low Max, 2020) - Time for a Rethink - Distant Call

DESCENDENTS (Epitaph Records) - 9th & Walnut - Nightage
NETTELLES (Back To Beat Rcds) - Do You Believe In... - Sugar B
PARQUET COURTS (Rough Trade) - Symphatie for Life - Sympathy For Life
PARQUET COURTS (Rough Trade) - Symphatie for Life - Application_Apparatus

Julien RIBOT (December Square, 2021) - Do you feel 9 ? - We Obi Diva (cf. Webzine - Article : 26/10/21)
The GO! TEAM (Memphis Industries, 2021) - Get up sequences Part One - A bee without its sting

PARQUET COURTS (Rough Trade) - Symphatie for Life - Plant Life