FOLLY GROUP (So Young Records) - Awake And Hungry - Fewer Closer Friends
GWENDOLINE (Dead Wax Records) - Après c'est gobelet ! - AUdiRtt
LES LIGNES DROITES (Velours) - Karl - Mickey Mickey
GUADAL TEJAZ-(Crème-Brûlée-Records-Beast-Records) - Noche-triste--Krautoxic
MEMPHIS ELECTRONICS (Mono-Tone Rcds) - S/T - Miss You
DAN SARTAIN (One Little Independent) - Arise - You Can't Go Home No More
FOLLY GROUP (So Young Records) - Awake And Hungry - Sand Fight
FOLLY GROUP (So Young Records)- Awake And Hungry - Four Wheel Drive
MENDELSON (Ici d'Ailleurs, 2021) - Le dernier album - Héritage
HOWLIN JAWS (Bellevue Music, 2021) - Strange effect - Long gone the time
BOY SCOUTS (Anti) - Wayfinder - A lot To Ask
HAND HABITS (Saddle Creek, 2021) - Fun House - Aqua Marine
FOLLY GROUP (So Young Records) - Awake And Hungry - Awake and Hungry